Things Inside the Liberal Arts Building 18963 Chicago Worlds Fair

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Without underrating the vast treasures of man industry and art that are collected at Jackson Park, the buildings themselves are the greatest allure. For vast extent, boldness of formulation, wonderful engineering, faultless proportions, and impressive grandeur the Manufactures building is easily the greatest of them all, and the greatest building on earth. This building covers an area of 1,687 10 757 feet, and is, in its main portions, over 200 feet high. It is more than a 3rd of a mile long, and near a sixth of a mile wide, and covers over thirty acres of ground. In the center of this space is a court 1,237 10 387 feet in size, the roof of which is supported on gigantic steel trusses, which bridge the entire width, and are 210 feet loftier, or fifty feet higher than those of the Mechanism Hall at Paris, forming the largest unincumbered court e'er constructed. Around this court runs a nave, 107 feet broad, with a gable roof 114 feet high; and effectually the nave runs a lean-to fort3′-flve anxiety wide, roofing an uninclosed ambulatory. Tho edifice is in the Corinthian way of compages,and in point of being severely archetype excels most all the other edifices. The long array of columns and arches, which its facades nowadays, is relieved from monotony past very elaborate ornamentation. In this decoration female figures, symbolical of the diverse arts and sciences, play a conspicuous and very bonny part The exterior of the building is covered with "staff," which is treated to correspond marble.

The huge fluted columns and the immense arches are apparently of this beautiful material. There were iv great entrances, one in the heart of each facade. These are designed in the way of triumphal arches, the cardinal entrance of each being 10 feet wide and 80 feet high. Surmounting these portals is the bully attic story ornamented with sculptured eagles xviii feet high, and on each side above the side arches are great panels with inscriptions, and the spandrils filled with sculptured figures in basrelief.

At each corner of the main edifice are pavilions formed in great biconvex entrances, which are designed in harmony with the great portals. The building occupies a most conspicuous place in the grounds. It faces the lake, with only lawns and promenades between. North of information technology is the United states Government building, south the harbor and in-jutting lagoon, and west the Electrical Building and the lagoon separating it from the great isle, which in part is wooded and in function resplendent with acres of brilliant flowers of varied hues.

It was agreed that the city of Chicago would accept until May i,1894, to determine on the buy of the Manufactures building for removal to the lake front.


Interior of Manufactures Building


Interior of Manufactures Edifice
Chicago Tribune Supplement
2 July 1893
C. Graham


Manufactures & Liberal Arts Building
View from the Lake Shore

Harper's Weekly, 1892
Fatigued by Charles Graham


Balcony of the Manufacturers and Liberal Arts Building
Photographer: C.D. Arnold


View from the Manufacturing Edifice

Picturesque World'southward Fair, An Elaborate Drove of Colored Views—
Published with the Endorsement and Approval of George R. Davis

THE MANUFACTURES AND LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING.—Ranking in popular estimation every bit ane of the greatest wonders of the Fair, the Manufactures Building compelled the astonishment and admiration of the artists and architects of the globe too. The largest edifice in area e'er erected under i roof information technology has yet been recognized as a triumph artistically not less than as a marvel of daring in construction. In describing the mammoth structure, which rises in the illustration higher up and beyond the Wooded Island, figures become almost poetry, so hitting are they in character. The edifice covers an area of most thirty-two acres, and the interior, with the galleries, had an exhibiting space of about xl-four acres The superlative of the roof truss over the fundamental line was two hundred and twelve feet nine inches, and its span iii hundred and 50-4 feet in the articulate. The building was four times as large as the old Roman Colosseum, which seated lxxx k people, and its bully central hall, a single room without a supporting pillar, could seat 3 hundred grand persons. The acme of the exterior walls was sixty-six anxiety and the grand entrances in each facade are lxxx anxiety in height past forty in width. The structure was of the Corinthian order of architecture, was rectangular in form, and the archetype severity of its style was relieved past the corner pavilions and elaborate and appropriate ornamentation. Its cost was $1,700,000 and 17,000,000 feet of lumber, 12,000,000 pounds of steel and 2,000,000 pounds of fe were used in its construction.

Columbia Avenue in Articles Edifice

German Exhibits Palace
Articles & Liberal Arts Building
Scientific American
September 1893

Entrance to German Exhibits Exhibit
Manufactures & Liberal Arts Edifice

Same fence around Torrence Mansion


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