Sell Beef to Indians of Elbowoods Nd

3 Tribes, a Dam and a Diabetes Epidemic

  • Dr. Herbert Wilson, ninety, gathers with his family for a Sunday meal at his home in Bismarck, North Dakota. He's seen immediate how a change of diet and lifestyle affected the wellness of members of the Three Affiliated Tribes.

    Ann Arbor Miller

  • Members of the Three Affiliated Tribes on the banks of the Missouri River, the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, earlier the dam.

    Elbowoods Museum

  • H2o encroaches on farmland and homes as Lake Sakakawea begins to make full in the late 1950s.

    Elbowoods Museum

  • Lake Sakakawea, created when the Garrison Dam was congenital in the 1940s and '50s, flooded the towns of Elbowoods, Sanish and Van Hook, as well as the rich farmlands surrounding them. Signs virtually the dam bear witness the lake and its relationship to the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.

    Ann Arbor Miller

  • Tribal Chairman George Gillette, front left, weeps as Interior Secretarial assistant Julius Krug signs reservation land over to the U.Southward. government for the Garrison Dam.

    Elbowoods Museum

  • Marilyn Hudson looks at an annotated photocopy of a photograph of the town of Sanish before the flood. Hudson has been working with residents of the former boondocks to identify buildings and other landmarks lost when the dam was built.

    Ann Arbor Miller

  • Jim Behave, below correct, is amid the 41 percent of Fort Berthold tribal members over age 35 who have Type 2 diabetes.

    Ann Arbor Miller

  • Jared Eagle, who is employed every bit fitness director by Indian Wellness Service on the Fort Berthold Reservation, works with a client at ane of several gyms that are open to the public.

    Ann Arbor Miller

  • A worker fills an order for a family at the commodity distribution center in New Town, where fresh fruit and vegetables are delivered every Monday.

    Ann Arbor Miller

  • Leslie Baker receives a treatment at 3 Affiliated Tribes Dialysis west of New Town, where the patients in need far outnumber the x stations available. Inside weeks, Baker would be dead from complications of diabetes.

    Ann Arbor Miller

  • Ann Arbor Miller


Herbert Wilson came to Northward Dakota'southward Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in 1954, to a tiny town called Elbowoods, tucked in a higher place the Missouri River in a bucolic patchwork of riverside willows, cottonwoods and fields. A Vermont-bred 33-year-former, fresh from Harvard and a bout as a WWII bombardier, Wilson was the new, sole doctor for the reservation's three tribes, which had spent the years since white colonization the same way they had spent the preceding millennia -- raising corn, beans and squash in the Missouri's fertile floodplain.

"Very few people were overweight," recalls Dr. Wilson. "There was no welfare, no article food, and did I mention there was no diabetes?"

Only even as Wilson and his married woman unloaded their 4 small-scale children and cat from their 1946 Hudson sedan, the disease that has get the authentication of the Native American health crisis was on its way. The recently constructed Garrison Dam would soon flood Elbowoods and vii other Native communities forth a 30-mile stretch of the Missouri, ushering the resident Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara people to loftier, barren ground and the finish of their farming traditions. The move triggered unemployment, poverty, and a five-decade descent into obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, conditions that are linked to each other and to diet. Ironically, the flood would drown the but infirmary the reservation has e'er had.

Dams aren't the only way to destroy indigenous lifestyles. The wellness history of the Fort Berthold people differs from that of other tribes but in the details. After white settlement, Native Americans from California to New York were cutting off from their state and their way of life. Like the Fort Berthold tribes, they became more sedentary, relied more than on cheap food -- often from the federal regime -- and received worse health care than whatsoever other group of people in the land. Present, Indians suffer more than diabetes than any other racial grouping. They are ii.2 times more probable to become it than non-Hispanic whites and three times more likely to die of it than non-Indians. A new $twenty-one thousand thousand clinic will open on Fort Berthold after this yr, but it will have a lot more than that to turn the tide of the health crisis inundating this and other reservations.

Says i local,  "You see all these young people, and they're all sick, and you wonder, 'God, what's gonna happen to them in 10 more years?' "

Relations between the U.Southward. government and the people of Fort Berthold began harmoniously. The Mandan lived in villages with the Hidatsa, in lodges walled thick confronting raiders.

"We grew large gardens," says Marilyn Hudson, great-peachy granddaughter of Mandan chief Ruby-red Necklace and the tribes' advertizing hoc historian. "We had a very organized lodge, which was similar to the white European societies. There were systems of law and social club, nutrient distribution. ... I think information technology made the people hither more compatible with Europeans because they were farmers."

When the Indian Wars began in the second half of the 1800s, the Mandan and Hidatsa -- forth with the Arikara, with whom they centrolineal in 1862 -- signed on as government scouts. In 1870, the land that the Three Affiliated Tribes had occupied for centuries was designated as the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.

The people ran minor farms, sent their children to school, attended church and took pride in serving in the United States armed services. Women and children cultivated beans, potatoes, carrots and beets, storing them for wintertime, and harvested wild juneberries, chokecherries, buffalo berries and prairie turnips, the same fare they shared with Lewis and Clark in the long winter of 1805. The men used horses to sow corn and cut hay; families also raised cattle, pigs and chickens. "Almost everything grown in the garden was consumed by the states and our livestock," remembers Hudson, 74. "The only thing we bought from the shop was sugar, coffee, table salt."

And then, in the mid-1940s, the U.S. government decided it needed a dam.

"Of all the variable things in creation," wrote the editor of the Sioux Metropolis Register in 1863, "the nigh uncertain are the actions of juries, the land of a woman's mind, and the condition of the Missouri River."

In 1943, the restive Missouri had jumped its banks three times, inundating Iowa and Nebraska and angering precisely the incorrect person -- Col. Lewis Pick, the short-fused regional director of the Regular army Corps of Engineers. "As the floodwaters rose in the streets outside his offices, Option jumped up on a desk and bellowed at his subordinates: 'I want to command the Missouri!' " wrote Paul VanDevelder in Coyote Warrior, a history of the Garrison Dam and its result on the tribes.

President Franklin Roosevelt ordered Pick to hammer out a program with the Bureau of Reclamation. Information technology chosen for a series of dams on the Upper Missouri, with, at its center, a 200-mile-long reservoir. The new Lake Sakakawea would flood 436 of Fort Berthold's 531 homes, as well as every square pes of the enviable farmland tilled by the tribes.

The tribes fought dorsum. When Pick, who was now a general, appeared at an Elbowoods hearing in 1946, Thomas Spotted Wolf, a rancher with a third-grade education and a total-feathered state of war bonnet, stood up and stuck his finger into Pick's face.

"You have come to destroy us!" he shouted, according to his grandson, Jim Behave. "If y'all look around in our town, nosotros build schools, churches. ... We're becoming civilized! Nosotros're becoming acculturated! Isn't that what you lot white people wanted usa to do? So we're doing that! And now you'll alluvion our homeland?"

But the government was determined to tame the Missouri, no matter the cost. VanDevelder reports that of the 800 square miles of rich bottomland lost to dams above Yankton, S.D., about 3-quarters was Indian land.

In the end, the tribes accustomed the U.S. government's offering of $5 million in exchange for their country. At the signing anniversary on May xx, 1948, in Washington, D.C., the bureaucrats were straight-faced. The suit-clad tribal chairman, George Gillette, stood just to the correct of Interior Secretary Julius Krug, sobbing into his hand.

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